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Swiggy Introduces a new ‘Moonlighting’ Policy For Full-Time Employees


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Swiggy Introduces a new ‘Moonlighting’ Policy For Full-Time Employees

Under Swiggy’s new Moonlighting policy, the company’s employees can now take up other jobs and projects outside of their working hours. All full-time employees of Swiggy’s parent company, Bundl Technologies, can make use of this policy.

“This could encompass activity outside of office hours or on weekends that does not impact their productivity on the full-time job or have a conflict of interest with Swiggy’s business in any way.” company’s release said, according to Mint.

Swiggy said that during the COVID-19 lockdown, people cultivated new talents and interests in the free time that they had. These could serve as an additional source of income for their families after their working hours are over.

“Be it volunteering with an NGO, working as a dance instructor, or content creation for social media, Swiggy firmly believes that working on such projects outside of one’s full-time employment can significantly contribute to both professional and personal development of an individual.” Mint quoted the release.

Employees can undertake these extra jobs or hobbies subject to certain guidelines. There will be an approval process to make sure that this does not pose a conflict of interest with Swiggy. The food delivery service does not want to risk inefficiency from employees who avail of this policy.

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“With the Moonlighting Policy, our goal is to encourage employees to pursue their passion without any constraints due to their full-time employment with us. This is yet another step in our journey towards building a world class ‘people first’ organization.” Mint quoted Girish Menon, Head of Human Resources at Swiggy.

Last week, Swiggy also announced that they were moving to a permanent remote work policy for a majority of employees. They arrived at this decision after analysing feedback from managers and employees and looking at team needs. The company will allow the corporate, central business functions, and tech teams to continue working from home.

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