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Critics come after Blue Ivy for not being able to keep up with Beyonce


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Critics come after Blue Ivy for not being able to keep up with Beyonce

Beyoncé’s unparalleled talent and stage presence have earned her a place among the most celebrated performers in history. She’s on the road in Europe for her first solo tour in almost seven years – so naturally, it’s all everyone can talk about. 

But eagle-eyed critics on social media have their eyes on a guest performer in all of her concerts: Blue Ivy Carter. In a video shared from Beyonce’s concert in Paris – we can see Blue,11, dancing next to her mother on stage. Social media users expressed mixed opinions about her dance abilities, some comparing her skills to Beyonce herself.


To be clear: Beyonce’s concerts don’t advertise Blue Ivy as part of the concert, so fans aren’t paying to watch her perform. But some are of the opinion that she needs to improve her skills and become a better entertainer if people “have to watch her on stage”. 

Being Beyonce and Jay-Z’s daughter, Blue Ivy is no stranger to the spotlight. She has grown up surrounded by the music industry’s glitz and glamour. Growing up under the constant scrutiny of the public eye, though, presents unique challenges for celebrity children. They are often in the limelight before they can fully comprehend the magnitude of their parents’ fame. Critics argue that it is crucial to protect the innocence and well-being of these young individuals, allowing them the space and freedom to discover their passions without unnecessary pressure.

As the ‘Bey-hive’ (Beyonce’s collective of fans) immediately rushed to Ivy’s defence, there was an intense discourse on the expectations we place upon celebrity children. There has been a reignited hatred lately for ‘nepo babies’, with many starting to call out the privilege afforded to children with famous parents. Fuelled by media outlets, like the NYT – the public is now more aware of instances where individuals with famous or influential parents are given preferential treatment or opportunities that others may not have access to. 

Stars born out of Nepotism are starting to feel the heat. But for someone as young as Blue or even the children of the Kardashian-Jenner clan – some feel that the criticism is too harsh. While the discussion in Hollywood has only just started, Bollywood has a long reputation for promoting and favouring actors and actresses with family connections rather than considering talent and merit.

But the discussions have also fuelled extreme scrutiny of these celebrity offsprings – even those who are still minors and haven’t showcased their full potential yet. Arjun Tendulkar, who made his IPL debut recently, has been drawing unfair comparisons with his father Sachin, often hailed as the God of cricket.

The intense discourse around nepotism and the privileges enjoyed by celebrity offspring has brought to the forefront a broader societal conversation. But how do we strike a balance between acknowledging the advantages these children have while also allowing them the freedom to grow and develop their own identities without undue pressure?

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