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Student Suicides in India have eclipsed Population Growth, and it is No Surprise


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Student Suicides in India have eclipsed Population Growth, and it is No Surprise

Indian students seem to be going through a torturous nightmare of a time, as per recently released statistics from the Government crime bureau. A report released by the National Crime Record Bureau says that student suicides have increased at an alarming rate, surpassing the population growth rate. The numbers indicate an extremely dire situation that has existed for years now, and have been steadily increasing with time. But now that the death rate surpasses population growth, the data is now implying a possible reduction in India’s youth population – a demography that has the largest existence in India, globally. This is a grave problem, in addition to the pressures that motivate suicide amongst students. It also, tragically shows how India is failing its young adults.

Overwhelming heaps of pressure pile onto shoulders of India’s young adults

India’s education system is not for the weak to deal with. Senior grades like classes 10th and 12th see an immense pressure on students, because of the future that lies ahead of these classes. The two nationally held board exams in these years carve out the academic and professional life that lies ahead for these 16-17 year olds. 18 year olds are faced with the dreaded entrance exams of IIT-JEE and NEET, if they want to have a good career in the engineering and medical fields.

These exams bring with them pressures that are uniquely faced by Indian students alone. Being two of the most competitive exams in the world, getting a good rank in these exams is a vicious fight for Indian students. Students have to rely on coaching centers that cater to these exams, and are sent far away from home to avail the best of them. An overwhelming part of their days are spent solely in intense studies, leaving no time to spend with family, friends, or even themselves.

To that, there are emotional pressures of parents and societies. A good rank gets one a seat in India’s most premier institutions, which also means a smooth-sailing career from there on. Because of this, families tend to have a lot of expectations for their children, hoping that they would be a part of the sliver of the candidates who are blessed with that fate. Admission into these colleges also increases the status of the family within a community, which is an unnecessary evil that these students have to bear.

Student suicide numbers show distressed these young minds have become.

Naturally, students cave when the above factors get too heavy for them to deal with. Some start faltering in their studies and develop mental health issues. A coaching center had to threaten a parent with an FIR to take their child home, after finding that the student was depressed. The parent was not relenting to the teacher’s concerns, and casually dismissed the fact that the teenager is ill.

Students are pushed to end their lives when they see no hope in the future, or when they fare poorly at these exams. They do not see respite in their immediate family or close friends, and fail to reach out for help. Kota, the ‘factory’ that is a hub of these coaching centers, regularly reports suicides. These facilities have had to install measures to curb this horror, but students still find a way. Maharashtra, however, has topped when it comes to a regional analysis of student suicides, according to the NCRB report.

It also says that student suicides have jumped to 13,044 from 6,654 in the past decade. The base number itself is an alarming fact that Indian students are facing a battle out of their league, that too by themselves. It also shows that authorities and the society are very lackadaisical in their approach to tackle this problem, which can vastly be managed by proper mental and guidance counselling.

See Also

Measures to combat student suicide are in place, but their foundations lack strength

India lacks a robust career guidance strategy for students, who stare at a very uncertain future ahead of themselves. This can prove extremely beneficial to students who are confused about their careers in general. And while mental health awareness has gained steady ground in India, actually accessing mental health facilities is still a threshold people feel wary to cross. This sadly includes students who compete for these exams, and are in extreme need of essential support.

It is horrific that students at such huge numbers and young ages find it correct to end their lives as a means to relieve themselves of the intense pressure. The government does have suicide prevention measures, but has failed in aggressively implementing them. While the measures tend to address students personally, little is done to change the society’s attitude towards this dangerous phenomenon.

India is silently yet alarmingly losing its promising youth to a problem that can be managed to great lengths, with very simple measures. Now is beyond high time for society to take note of the sorry state of students who participate in these competitive exams, and become pillars of support for those who truly want to achieve their dreams in these fields.

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