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Covid-19 Vaccines and Magnetism: A Myth to Stay Clear of


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Covid-19 Vaccines and Magnetism: A Myth to Stay Clear of

The COVID-19 pandemic has already been overwhelmed with myths and theories, and sadly, COVD – 19 vaccines haven’t been spared either. The most recent – and the most bizarre – theory is that COVID-19 vaccines enable your body to become magnetized, with people sticking random metallic objects to their bodies as proof.

Ramdas Shet from Bangalore, was one of the firsts in India to claim they have received magnetic abilities after getting the vaccine. Arvind Sonar also demonstrated similar ‘proof’, as coins and other metallic objects stuck to his body. Videos like these have spread like fire and continue to popularize this ‘side – effect’ of the vaccine.

The Press Information Bureau’s fact check wing dismissed all such claims, clarifying that the vaccine, indeed, does not give you magnetism. The government has also issued such claims as “baseless,” and that the “vaccines do not contain any metal based ingredients.” In a video shared on twitter, the government has also clearly specified the common side effects, like mild fever, sore arm, and headaches. Earlier, the PIB listed 6 myths about the vaccine drive, mostly defending the center over allegations of inadequate supply. Union Health Minister Dr. Harsh Vardhan also dismissed the claim of the vaccines causing infertility amongst recipients.

The vaccine is simply a minuscule dose of a very weakened pathogen to ramp up antibody generation against it, and also building pathogen memory. These videos and myths are likely to drive fear of the vaccine amongst people. Both Covaxin and Covishield have been reported to be effective against the virus. It is pertinent that one gets vaccinated with to help gain protection against the virus, and take necessary care when side effects manifest. We aren’t getting a Magneto via the vaccines, that’s for sure.

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The USA, which has championed in generating the Pfizer vaccine that is 96% effective against the virus, deals with the nagging problem of anti – vaxxers. Recently, a nurse miserably failed to show she was magnetized after the dosage as a key she attempted to stick on adamantly refused to do so. Speaking at the Ohio Statehouse, she formed a part of the Republican legislature that will prevent businesses from asking questions related to vaccines. A doctor, who the nurse referred to, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, also spoke about “people who have long suspected the presence of an interface that links whatever is being injected to 5G towers”. She went on to call vaccines as a “gene modification technology that irreversibly disrupts your chromosomes. Meanwhile, the Biden administration is encouraging vaccination by giving away freebies like beer, and even weed.

To stay responsible amidst this chaos of fake news and myths on the pandemic and the vaccine, you should always get information cross checked by verified health authorities. Meanwhile, go book that vaccine slot on CoWIN, or in millennial term, get the jab!

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