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Kim Jong-un’s Weight Loss has ‘Broken’ North Korean Hearts


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Kim Jong-un’s Weight Loss has ‘Broken’ North Korean Hearts

Kim Jong-un, like North Korea, seems to fancy carrying the air of mystery around him. After not appearing in public for a month, Western powers and nuclear-concerned countries began speculating about his health. Now, Kim Jong-un prefers showing the world how much his people love him. They are apparently, “heartbroken” that their leader has lost weight.

This overtly emotional statement comes after the autocrat made an appearance regarding his party. His face is now thinner, and the watch strapped more tightly than before. The statement was made by Pyongyang ‘citizen’, who appeared in an interview by KRT, a channel run by the state. The man also went a step ahead to narrate how people have teared up watching a thin Kim Jong-un.

Why Kim’s new look is creating a commotion:

The claim would rather amuse those outside of North Korea instead of causing surprise. North Korea is the hubbub of nuclear tests and other operations, which can put the likes of Joe Biden in jeopardy. Kim Jong-un is yet to announce his successor. Not knowing who would come after him, and take charge of the country’s nuclear works is what is bothering other leaders.


The North Korean supremo comes from a family that is seeing a genetic vulnerability to cardiac diseases. Kim Jong-un is also a heavy smoker and drinker. His month-long absence immediately created a stir about his declining health. There are also rumors that Kim Jong’s sister would take up his post, if anything unfortunate happens to him.


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Some analysts say that he probably has decided to be fit. Others say that this might be propaganda to gain more sympathy, as North Korea deals with food shortages. As usual, the cause for Kim Jong-un’s drastic change is not yet public. But the leader, try what may, continuously tells the world about his subjects’ undying love for him. In 2017, he banned Mother’s Day notes in the country, because they were getting more love than poor Kim. A mother was jailed because she saved her children and not a portrait of the former leader, Kim Il-sung. Moreover, families are provided a unique duster to keep Kim Jong-un’s photo tidy. More such strange laws and decrees continue to be effective in the controversially secretive country, while also constantly violating human rights.


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