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South Africa Is Seeing Its Bloodiest Riots In Decades


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South Africa Is Seeing Its Bloodiest Riots In Decades

South Africa is witnessing the highest degree of violence it has ever seen in years. The riots are said to be instigated after the arrest of ex-president Jacob Zuma. Coupled with low employment rates and bad handling of the pandemic, people have started to resort to violence to vent.

The violence has since claimed more than 300 lives. The riots originated in the KwaZulu-Natal area, following which it has also now spread to Johannesburg, Durban and other places. Shops have been looted, buildings and transport were set on fire. Though Cyril Ramaphosa has denounced the violence and killings, analysts say his government has a role to play in the riots as well. The police used tear gas and stun grenades to quell the resurgence, but experts suggest foul play.

What do experts say?

Recently, a video of a woman throwing her child to safety went viral when her building caught fire amidst heavy riots in Durban. Cyril Ramaphosa also claims that these are pre-planned riots, yet there is no solid proof from his side to back the claim. The factions in the government run deep – those who support Ramaphosa and those in favor of Zuma.

Analysts and experts say this is an attempt to extend Ramaphosa’s reign. The idea is to bring more damage to South Africa’s already broken economy. This will, then, elongate the time-frame for Ramaphosa to continue.

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The political rife is only the last raw to unleash the bubbling public dissatisfaction stemming since decades. South Africa also comes under the severely hit nations by the pandemic, bringing the nation’s GDP to an all-time low. Though officials say the 25000 deployed soldiers will help counter the violence, the rise in the death toll says otherwise.

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