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China Is Banning Exams for Its Young Students


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China Is Banning Exams for Its Young Students

China will no longer put its young students through exams, in an attempt to improve its education system. Young children when faced with harsh exams, are seen to perform weakly in further examinations in life. With this ban in effect, children as young as 6 are prohibited to sit for their exams in school.

Citing exam pressure and fear, the Chinese Ministry of Education made this decision. The country’s education system makes for rigid exams right from the first grade. In its new guidelines, the ministry also expressed their concerns for the students’ “mental and physical health”.

What Do The New Rules Say?

The decision also comes in light to help alleviate the education inequality Chinese students face. As is in India, the Chinese society also gives a lot of importance to education. Many parents work hard and focus to help sustain good income to get their children in premier schools.

The education industry alone is worth a whopping $100 billion. The ‘gaokao’, a highly competitive exam which happens at the end of school years, is enough to demarcate a student’s future. A stressful and competitive environment right at the beginning of school is likely what is hindering performance of Chinese students for the exam. The regulations also deem that exams be held only once per term. Half-terms and mock exams can be conducted for students in the junior high. The guidelines are also forcing private tuitions to become “non-profit”, and not to give tuitions on main subjects during weekends.

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In India, demands to make a similar education system more accommodating have continuously been unheard. Students criticize the education system even now, because of its priority to marks over value. Exam season in India nearly causes a frenzy among students, especially when it comes to college entrances. Education activists have also raised concerns on the devastating toll the extremely competitive environment takes on students’ mental health.

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