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The Resignation of Andrew Cuomo Is a Step Towards Promoting Accountability In A Democracy


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The Resignation of Andrew Cuomo Is a Step Towards Promoting Accountability In A Democracy

A democratic government’s most important responsibility is to be accountable to its people. Well, India is far from an ideal state of accountability. But in the West, thankfully, this pillar of democracy continues to stand strong in its own ways. This August, Andrew Cuomo, Governor of New York, was accused of sexually assaulting his female employees and aides.

The Cuomo family is a big name when it comes to family politics. Belonging to the Democrats, Andrew Cuomo was lauded for his coronavirus response and his vocal criticism of Trump. But the good guy façade of Andrew was soon dropped as an investigation by the New York Attorney General said otherwise.

Even though Cuomo had denied allegations in the beginning, the now solid evidence in the AG’s investigation report has led him to resign from his post. Cuomo was in the middle of his third term as the state’s Governor. Because the probe was civil, the accusers must now approach the police on their own to file criminal cases.

Cuomo resigned just a few days ago, still denying the charges. For the sake of the state, Cuomo said, he opted for the decision. Cuomo had even refused Joe Biden’s call to step down from the office. But due to mounting public pressure, it seems Cuomo did what he could to save his image, Many news outlets are calling this episode ‘the fall’ of Andrew Cuomo.

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The Scene Back Home

In other words, the person accounted for his wrongdoings. Back home in India, politicians and many other influential people accused of multiple crimes are still free. The Unnao rape victim was brutally killed in broad daylight, while Sengar is only in jail for the death of the girl’s father. This, he still denies.

Many sympathize with and also blame the slow-moving nature of the courts in India, where cases gather dust. Accountability has been constantly eroded and stepped upon as a democratic pillar in India. Be it high-profile cases or minor cases, no person has ever been held accountable for their actions swiftly. As long as negligence, arrogance and indifference prevail in the administration and society, a safe and just environment seems meek for India.

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